Of 1/2 inch PVC we had plenty from a previous project where we built a kid's sprinkler. We just had to plan our cuts to avoid the holes I had drilled in the PVC to make the fountains. (we will revisit that project probably this summer with some lessons learned from this version)
So, cut list for one ground level launch pad:
In 1/2 inch PVC pipe cut:
- 4 pcs 6" long (side legs)
- 2 pcs 4" long (middle legs)
- 1 pcs 1" long (bottom upright)
- 1 pcs 17" long (main upright)
You will need the following connectors for 1/2" PVC:
- 4 end caps
- 3 t-connectors
- 1 male coupling
- 1 female coupling
- PVC cement
The male/female threaded couplings are optional; I want to be able to break these down for easier transport.
When we get to the trigger portion you will need
- 8 zip ties
- duct tape
- hose clamp (to fit the 1/2 inch PVC)
- The center portion from a 2 liter bottle
- String
- A scrap piece of PVC for the string to go throug
Not sure exactly how much all of this would cost, as I have a few of these laying around (particularly the 1/2 inch pipe). Looking at my receipt:
- 1/2" end caps: 4 @ $0.26
- 1/2" tee: 3 @ $0.30
- 1/2" Female adaptor: 1 @ $0.44
- 1/2" Male adaptor: 1 @ $0.31
- Hose clamp: 1@ $1.05
So, that much is about 3 bucks. Under $10 for the entire launch pad and I have party favors for the LDRB birthday party!
Here are some shots of construction:
Not precision cuts, due both to the fact that there are random holes in our re-used PVC, and that it is hot as heck out there!
The new batch is shorter than the Mark 1 launcher we built as proof of concept.